Sunday, January 26, 2020

Misimdo Has Entered!

Hello All!

This blog will be a collection of designs, projects, ideas, and (more than likely) some failures created by myself, Michaela Dooley, for FMX210 (Digital Media.)

Initially, I wasn't sure what to fully expect from this course, but after going over the material I'm more excited than worried. I've taken courses in graphic design as well as art, and it's something I love and find interesting, but I absolutely lack the fundamental knowledge behind the programs that I've been using.

Yes, Google and YouTube have been EXTREMELY helpful sources, but I think that this class will help me finetune my knowledge with the software so that I can work on bettering my designs and artwork.

A bit about me: I've been nicknamed Sunshine and Sunflower by many (along with a long list of nicknames that continue to grow!) I'm an AD/PR major with a creative focus. I love art, music, philosophy, self-love, and color theory, so please feel free to talk to me about any of these things! I'm also a graduating senior, so (if all goes well!) I'll be finished up here, come May! I'm from a bit of everywhere: born in Germany, moved to Florida, moved again to Montana, and then moved BACK to Florida, so I'm never really sure where exactly to say I'm from.

I want to expand my cultural pallet, and I am always curious to learn more about other people and their backgrounds. This is important for me to note because I want to one day use my use of design and art to bring people of all cultures together. Things like art and design and color transcend language and cultural barriers, and these are things I'd like to focus on more in the near future. If these things interest you as well, then maybe we can work together to create something bigger.

Overall, I'm very excited about how this semester is starting out. So let's all do our best and grow together!


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